Action Alert | The Weekend Served Up Several Gender Equality Fails

Whoa boy did this past weekend serve up some gender equality fails. First, the only woman doctor speaking at a medical conference was listed simply by her name, not her title like all the other doctors who were men. No Dr. Nasreen Alfaris, nor Dr. Alfaris even, but just Nasreen Alfaris, what else could be it other than she is a woman!  And we all know this isn’t the first time that’s happened.


Then on Sunday, during fraught election aftermath and transition of power when so many are focusing on politics, the guests on almost ALL of the Sunday talk shows were men! No women guests at all. When the shows discussing the future of a country about to see its first woman vice president don’t bother to include women, what does that say about coverage of the upcoming administration?

For a country on the cusp of having a woman in the White House for the first time, it’s unfathomable that both the media AND the medical profession still treat women as an afterthought. h/t @nasreenalfaris @girlwonderau #GenderAvenger