Action Alert | Going for Gold with the Association of American Medical Colleges

AAMC, or the Association of American Medical Colleges, is hosting their annual Learn Serve Lead Conference this week, featuring notable speakers like Brené Brown and Heather McGhee. 

And the best part? 

They are receiving GA’s highest honor, the Gold GA Stamp of Approval, for a lineup of speakers including 25% women of color, with 62% women speakers overall, and 38% men! AAMC self-submitted for this Stamp, and we are thrilled that they did so, as it showcases their commitment to gender balance. Join us as we congratulate the AAMC Learn Serve Lead Conference for receiving a Gold Stamp of Approval!


AAMC reminds us that we have the power to make gender balance a priority in our circles of influence… and the ripples of those choices make a huge impact!


Time to take action!

How are you making ripples of impact this week? Time to take action: submit a conference, list, or event for a GA Stamp of Approval. Are you an attendee? A conference organizer? An event sponsor? Look at the events you are attending or best-of lists in your news feeds. When you see someone getting it right, nominate them for a GA Stamp and let's celebrate!

We want YOU to be a GenderAvenger and help us award good gender balance.


P.S. Thank you to everyone who has been participating in #GATallyTuesday! Look out for a reminder on social media each Tuesday to share your tallies!


Congratulations, AAMC!

📣🚨 Three cheers for @AAMCtoday! It takes a conscious effort to present good gender balance and #AAMC21 earns a GA Gold Stamp of Approval 🥇for a speaker line up with 62% women and 25% women of color. #GenderAvenger