Avengers of the Week | Weijia Jiang, Yamiche Alcindor, and Kaitlan Collins

Check out this Twitter thread highlighting the support journalists Weijia Jiang, Yamiche Alcindor, and Kaitlan Collins gave each other during a recent White House press conference.


These women didn’t let the dismissal of their colleagues’ voices go unnoticed. Because they stand up and speak out when women’s public voices are silenced, we declare Weijia Jiang, Yamiche Alcindor, and Kaitlin Collins our Avengers of the Week.


Here’s to our Avengers of the Week!


Hats off to @GenderAvenger’s #AvengerOfTheWeek recipients @weijia, @Yamiche, and @kaitlancollins, who showed the world, and the president, the power of women working together to defend their right to be heard. #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avengers-of-the-week-weijia-jiang-yamiche-alcindor-and-kaitlan-collins