πŸ“£πŸš¨ Action Alert | World Health Care Congress Missed Achieving Diverse Gender Parity By *This* Much


The World Health Care Congress (WHCC) website states, β€œas health care professionals continue to address challenges and navigate the complexities of care delivery, it is crucial for them to think outside the box and adopt new models that are sustainable and scalable.” The same can be said for event organizers creating gender-equal speaker lists. The WHCC speaker list comes really close to doing so, but it falls short with only 43% women and 13% women of color. With just a little bit more time and effort spent finding just a few more women of color to speak, we could have awarded the WHCC the first GA Stamp of Approval since we updated the criteria.

This thinking should apply to much more than healthcare. When it comes to gender equity, all industries must think outside the box and adopt new models that allow for women, especially women of color, to lead, prosper, and have their voices heard.

With just a little more effort, @WorldCongress could have added a few more women’s voices and put together a well-balanced #WHCC21 speaker list, but, alas, they did not. The #HealthCare field deserves more women on stage. #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/action-alert-world-health-care-congress-missed-diverse-gender-parity