Action Alert | Sign Women's Media Center's #HireHer Petition for a Woman Anchor On CBS Evening News

Each weeknight, viewers of network news tune in to see a man reporting on the happenings of the day. In fact, aside from two women, there has always been a man reporting the evening network news. With the exit of Scott Pelley as its evening news anchor, CBS News has the opportunity to change this by hiring a woman to replace him.

You can help make that happen! Fill out the petition created by the Women’s Media Center and urge CBS to hire a woman to anchor the CBS Evening News. H/t to GenderAvengers Anne Dickerson and Kathleen Schatzberg for making us aware of this effort.

Each weeknight, viewers of network news tune in to see a man reporting on the happenings of the day. In fact, aside from two women, there has always been a man reporting the evening network news. With the exit of Scott Pelley as its evening news anchor, @CBSNews has the opportunity to change this. Tell them to choose a woman to be the next anchor. #hireher #genderavenger

Tell @CBSNews to choose a woman to be the next anchor. #hireher #genderavenger