Action Alert | Digital Experiences… Where Are The Women?

As we emerge from COVID-19, how do we host conferences and events that are gender-equal and inclusive? It starts in the planning process.

The Adobe Digital Experience Conference is a virtual summit that brings together an impressive lineup of celebrities, innovators, and influencers for a virtual convening of ideas. The online-only event takes place March 15th -17th, and we were excited because virtual events remove barriers to participation. But both the featured speakers and session speakers lineups fall short on parity and inclusion. 


38% of the 26 featured speakers were women. 32% of the 330 session speakers were women, and women of color were a mere 9% of speakers represented. The session speakers on the Adobe Summit website are arranged alphabetically, but unfortunately, there were more lines with all men than lines with all women. In fact, there were no lines where all five session speakers listed in alphabetical order were women.

We must push back against the idea that finding diverse experts is somehow "too hard.” Inclusion is an intentional choice, and the manel (all-male panel) starts during the planning process. This means that conference organizers, event planners, and even companies sending talent need to consciously and intentionally think about speaking opportunities. If your event is virtual, there’s no excuse for lack of inclusion. 

Time to Demand Change!

Share! Share! Share! Help us spread the word. Add this checklist to the great speaker lists, bingo cards, watchdog accounts, and snarky blog posts floating around on social media. 

The GenderAvenger 5 Tips for An Inclusive Speaker Line-Up is one more resource for your online activism toolkit. 

Light the Flame with Inspiring Reads

How can we challenge ideas about gender and expertise so that women can claim their place at the table, take their time at the mic, or rise to power and influence? We hope this week’s reads empower and inspire your advocacy and thinking.


  • Women occupy just 20% of board seats globally and still fall behind in occupying the highest levels of corporate leadership. This Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Women in the Boardroom: 2022 Update provides insight into how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.

Psst… Sharing is caring! If you enjoy our weekly love letter to gender equality, pass it on to a friend, colleague, organization, or event planner you know! 


📣🚨 A little over 30% of all speakers at the #AdobeSummit are women. The Digital Experience Conference is virtual! Where are the women?  #GenderAvenger