Action Alert | Counting Is The First Step Toward Gender Equality

Good weather and the recent lift of COVID-19 restrictions will mean an increase in conferences, events, and festivals. We’re keeping it short and sweet this week with a call to action for each of you… If you land somewhere and there aren’t enough women, use the GenderAvenger Tally to count who’s present and time who’s talking!

As you use the GA Tally, think about the systemic barriers that prevent women, women of color, and nonbinary folks from taking center stage. One person and one conference can’t create THE solution, but we all have a responsibility to speak up and consider how we might reimagine the ways we come together.

A Refresher On How To Use The Tally

Light the Flame with Inspiring Reads

How can we challenge ideas about gender and expertise so that women can claim their place at the table, take their time at the mic, or rise to power and influence? We hope this week’s reads empower and inspire your advocacy and thinking.


Psst… Sharing is caring! If you enjoy our weekly love letter to gender equality, pass it on to a friend, colleague, organization, or event planner you know! 


📣🚨 See something? Say something! One person and one conference can’t create THE solution for gender equality. But an individual can be the catalyst we need. Take the first step and use the #GATally today! #GenderAvenger