Action Alert | 5 Tips for Conference Organizers

How do we best include the voices of women, women of color, and non-binary people at events?

Calling out bad behavior or publicly shaming conferences can only do so much. It puts organizers on the defensive and does not bring about the systemic change we so desire. Somehow finding diverse experts is "too hard," and when good folks like you speak up, you’re hit with various excuses. What if we could provide conference and event organizers with resources that preemptively eliminate the excuses?

Last week we shared five tips for building a more inclusive line-up. Our goal is to support conference organizers and event planners at the start of their work - a checklist for a journey to the GenderAvenger Gold Stamp of Approval.  


Advocates, allies, and even the apathetic or oblivious to gender inequality need resources! Tools and resources should inspire people to take significant and small action steps to make changes. (Which is why we eliminated the GenderAvenger Pledge in support of more action-oriented responses to gender inequality.)

So let’s get proactive GenderAvengers! Add this checklist to the great speaker lists, bingo cards, watchdog accounts, and snarky blog posts floating around on social media. Use this as one more resource in your online activism toolkit. 

Community Action - Time to Take Action - 🧰 Let’s Fix This, Together

Share! Share! Share! Help us spread the word. Tag a conference and ask them to use the GenderAvenger 5 Tips for An Inclusive Speaker Line-Up!!

Light the Flame with Inspiring Reads

How can we challenge ideas about gender and authority so that women can claim their place at the table, take their time at the mic, or rise to power and influence?  We hope this week’s reads empower and inspire your advocacy and thinking.

  1. Only 45 women have ever served as governor in the United States, none of which were Black or Indigenous women. Barbara Lee gives a gripping call to action in Ms. Magazine - Let’s Make This Another Year of the Woman—This Time for Governors

Psst… Sharing is caring! If you enjoy our weekly alert and a love letter to gender equality, pass it on to a friend, colleague, organization, or event planner you know!


📣 👀 Can our new checklist fight the #manel BEFORE it happens? Help us keep hope alive! Share these #GenderAvenger 5 tips for building a more inclusive line-up with your fave conference or event.