20 Orgs Fighting for Women's Voices: GenderAvenger Loves Its Kindred Spirits

GenderAvenger is all about counting women and women of color in the public dialog to create awareness of the need for women’s voices, and we’re not the only ones fighting for women to be seen and heard. We salute the following organizations that also pay attention to gender and who it is that gets to speak in public spotlights. Check out our inspiring colleagues and let us know about others who are counting! The more awareness we build about the need for equal representation of women’s voices, the more likely it will be to see the change we are all working so hard for.

Join us to build a groundswell movement that will create a better world for all of us.

Are you in?

The fight for women’s equal representation in the public dialog isn’t done alone. @GenderAvenger works alongside many other organizations to build a groundswell movement that will create a better world for all of us. Are you in? #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/20-orgs-fighting-for-womens-voices