#GAReads | White Male Workers Respond Poorly to Women and Racial Minorities In Power and Take It Out On Colleagues: Report

"White Male Workers Respond Poorly to Women and Racial Minorities In Power and Take It Out On Colleagues: Report":

How do white male executives handle it when a woman or person of color become CEOs of their company? Not well, a new study from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business suggests. 

The study, which looked at more than 1,000 top executives at large and mid-sized U.S. public companies found that white male managers on average experienced a "lower sense of identity with their company" after the appointment of a female and/or racial minority CEO. 

Researchers found that white male executives working under a female and/or racial minority were also less likely to provide help to fellow colleagues, with an especially negative effect on help provided to minority status colleagues. 

Read Chantal Da Silva's full article at Newsweek here…