Men Reporters Ignore Women On Twitter, So Let's Get Too Loud to Ignore. We'll Get You Started.

Several members of our community shared this Vox article on men and women journalists and their influence on Twitter. Since we’re sharing it here in a newsletter about gender equality, you can probably guess what the main point of the article is: male reporters on Twitter only reply to women 8% of the time, they retweet each other more often, and they mostly follow other men.

Our action for you this July 4th holiday week is simple: find women on Twitter and show them some love.

Retweet women, follow them, favorite them, and comment on their posts. Let’s elevate women’s voices and make sure they are heard!

In addition to the four women listed in the Vox article, here are a few lists to get you started:

Women could make a much greater impact on Twitter, but men do not elevate their voices. Take a few minutes this week to find fantastic women on Twitter and share their messages far and wide. Here's some help to get you started. #genderavenger