#HallOfShame | Round 2: TechCrunch Sinks To New Low


Two weeks ago, we asked you if you could trust the thought leadership of TCDisrupt, a conference that claims to have "iconic startup and thought leadership" while it puts just 28% women speakers on stage. While TechCrunch has added more speakers, they still haven't gotten around to improving their gender ratio. In fact, the gender ratio for speakers at TCDisrupt has dropped to 26% women. 


TechCrunch is a repeat offender. Here's the gender breakdown for speakers at the last four years of San Francisco TC Disrupt:

  • 2011: 9% women speakers out of 61 speakers.
  • 2012: 14% women speakers out of 79 speakers.
  • 2013: 19% women speakers out of 77 speakers.
  • 2014: 17% women speakers out of 75 speakers.

And it doesn't stop with San Francisco: The last TCDisrupt event for 2015 is in London, and all of the speakers have something other than tech in common. 

Can you trust the thought leadership of an organization that hasn't had more than 30% women speakers on stage in five years? How about a conference that feels comfortable releasing all-male promotional materials? 

We tweeted our concerns to TechCrunch, and all we got was a decrease in the percentage of women speakers. Now it's time to take this to their sponsors. 

 Show #TCDisrupt Sponsors What They're Endorsing: A #HallOfShame Speaker Lineup.  

Add these sponsor Twitter handles to the sample tweet below: @UPS, @MarketPlace, @Salesforce, @sequoia, or @PerkinsCoieLLP
 [ADD SPONSOR TWITTER HANDLE HERE], #TCDisrupt has only 26% women speakers. Tell @TechCrunch to add more women! http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hallofshame-26-women-speakers-at-techcrunch-disrupt #genderavenger