#GAReads | Why are female doctors introduced by first name while men are called 'Doctor'?

GenderAvenger is mentioned in an article in The Washington Post!

"Why are female doctors introduced by first name while men are called 'Doctor'?":

“Women don’t tend to be thought of as leaders. They’re thought of as worker bees and the people who work well together,” said Templeton, immediate past president of the American Medical Women’s Association. “Talking to us is no different than talking to their wives or daughters at home.”

“They just assume, somehow, that they don’t warrant the same respect as the men do,” she said.

A blog post on the study that appeared on KevinMD.com and GenderAvenger.com drew a flood of positive responses from doctors, clergy members and others, applauding the authors for their study.

Read Janice Neumann's full article at The Washington Post here…