#GAReads | Venice Fest Signs Historic Charter for Gender Parity and Inclusion

photo credit: Didier Descouens [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Venice Fest Signs Historic Charter for Gender Parity and Inclusion”:

After facing two years of backlash on its statements on gender inclusivity, Venice is changing course.

As reported on the opening day festivities, Biennale chiefs Paolo Baratta and festival director Alberto Barbera signed the Charter for Parity and Inclusion on Friday afternoon as planned with the newly formed Women in Film, Television & Media Italia and Dissenso Comune, Italy’s #MeToo movement. 

"For months, we have carried out a dialogue aimed at constructive change," said Women in Film, Television & Media Italia vice president Margherita Chiti. "With this signature, it is clear that Italy intends to have an active role in the worldwide conversation that will lead to greater equality and inclusiveness for women at all levels of the media and audiovisual industry. We feel it is essential that this conversation starts at Venice, the oldest film festival in the world."

Read Ariston Anderson’s full article at The Hollywood Reporter here…