Encourage Next Edge Health Summit to Follow Mayo Clinic's Lead

Mayo Clinic’s Transform 2016 conference has 40% women speakers. Will other health care conferences follow their lead?

This year’s Next Edge Summit, which focuses on how healthcare professionals can empower patients in their health journey, will take place October 17–18 in Boston, Massachusetts. The agenda has just been set, but speakers are still in the works, so this is our challenge to you, Next Edge: will your mission to empower patients include women?

Urge Next Edge to be mindful about the inclusion of women in their upcoming conference so they can join the GenderAvenger Hall of Fame.

There is still time to push for action!
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Want to empower ALL patients? Include women speakers at #HXSummit. @GenderAvenger is watching Oct's @NextEdgeSummit! http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/encourage-next-edge-health-summit-to-follow-mayo-clinics-lead