Make the Opening of 'Europe's Hottest Conference' a GenderAvenger Happening: Join Our Thunderclap

The DLD (Digital-Life-Design) conference calls itself “Europe’s hottest conference invitation,” a three-day-long gathering of “the most influential opinion-makers, industry leaders, start-ups and digital giants”...featuring only 19% women. Out of 91 total speakers, 18 are women.


DLD 16 starts on January 17th. We’re kicking off the event with a Thunderclap letting DLD 16 know that it’s way past time to value the voices of women:

A Thunderclap sends out our messages in a big burst that can be heard loud and clear, and signing up for the Thunderclap is easy. You can also share the Thunderclap through Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr.

This is the second time DLD has landed in the GenderAvenger Hall of Shame. Last year, DLD 15 had 17% women speakers.  

Help us make a splash at DLD 16 and show them that we’re paying attention. DLD organizes multiple conferences every year and consistently features less than 30% women speakers. In 2015, DLD hosted four events, and only one event had more than 30% women speakers.

Is this your first Thunderclap?
Here's a little more information on how it works:

A Thunderclap is an "online flash mob." It shares the same message from a wave of supporters at the exact same time. Our messages will appear in the conference hashtag #DLD16 and will send a powerful reminder to conference organizers that it's time to add more women speakers to their future lineups.

Sign up today and share the Thunderclap link with your friends. The more voices, the bigger our impact.