Big News from GenderAvenger

Dear Avenger:

I am thrilled to share some big news with you today. At GenderAvenger, we've never been afraid to speak up, speak out, and push those with power to change the system, but the time has come for even bolder action because the stakes are so high.

That’s why we’re taking the next big step to grow our community. GenderAvenger is joining forces with The Female Quotient, an organization empowering businesses and leaders to be part of the equality equation.

Please read our news and watch my special Unscripted conversation with Shelley Zalis, CEO of The Female Quotient, to learn more.


From the top down and the bottom up, we’re removing barriers and accelerating change that is absolutely critical. Now, in addition to our own GenderAvenger tools, you can access The Female Quotient Toolkit. These resources give leaders and individuals tangible data points to assess levels of inequality and spark change.

The last year has shown us just how delicate progress can be and how quickly old habits come flooding back in difficult times. Whether we are together or convening virtually, we have to do more, rally together more, and hold more organizations accountable.

We know that you have had enough of the status quo, too, so help spread the news about our collaboration and invite more GenderAvengers to grow our community and multiply its impact.

We are where we are because of you. Thank you for helping to make this day possible.

Looking forward with glee,
