Action Alert | Future of Health: CB Insights So Close to Gold

While Santa is making his list and checking it twice - we had to triple check our criteria for this week’s action alert because CB Insights Future of Health was SO CLOSE to Gold! 

The CB Insights Future of Health event is a 100% virtual gathering that highlights the future of healthcare and innovation in the industry. We tallied the event’s speaker list, tech demo list, and moderator list.

Here’s what we found… 


The Speakers Tally


With 45% women and 19% women of color represented as speakers, they were 🤏 this close to a Gold GA Stamp of Approval! We know CB Insights will continue to improve their representation and look forward to checking back in next year for an even more inclusive speaker lineup.


The Tech Demos by CEOs/Founders Tally


The Tech Demo tally for the CB Insights Future of Health could use a little more work. Coming in with 79% men, 21% women, and no women of color, GenderAvenger sees this as a pipeline issue. Women account for 28.8% of the tech industry and occupy 30% of C-Suite positions in the healthcare industry

We get it, there aren’t a lot of women CEOs and Founders available for the Tech Demo programming. BUT… at GenderAvenger we believe in mindset shifts. There’s got to be a way to flip this as an opportunity to include more voices, create mentorship opportunities, and expand the pool of potential candidates that lead at healthcare tech companies.


The Moderators Tally


Huzzah! CB Insights shows much more representation in their moderator lineup, with 78% women and 22% women of color. This is encouraging, but we want to see more women sharing knowledge and expertise with attendees as experts on the panels.


What’s Next? Take it to Twitter! 

Events and conferences are the space to discuss innovation and emerging trends in an industry. If we get a bit more creative we can use these opportunities to hold discussions and working sessions on how we solve gender inequality. 

Sometimes the best solution comes from groupthink. Let’s talk about how we move beyond industry standards toward gender equality. What work can be done in partnership with women and women of color to address the gender gap in the healthcare tech industry?

💭 Share your thoughts with us on Twitter or LinkedIn!

Community Action

We need your help! 😮‍💨 We’ve reached that time of the year when everyone is using lists to celebrate the past. Best-of lists. Greatest of All Times lists. Top Leaders Under Values of 10 lists… Lists are a great way to recognize accomplishments and expertise. 

 We know you see these lists floating around on social media. Send us your best and worst examples of gender balance. Those that make our criterion will earn a GA Stamp of Approval!  

Resources and Reads

What are others doing to help women claim their place at the table, the mic, or other places of power and influence? This section is dedicated to resources, announcements, and achievements to empower and inspire your advocacy.

Women in powerful political positions are an important part of changing the equation. It’s cliche to say, but when women have an opportunity to lead, amazing things can happen... for everyone. But long-term change requires systemic reforms. This week we highlight countries that stepped out front as leaders on the gender equality journey:


*Bonus read: While we have you thinking about women leading in public service, check out this Forbes article on how best to support women vets in the workforce by The Female Quotient founder and CEO, Shelley Zalis.

We’ve got BIG plans for 2022 and we’d love your support to ensure that women’s voices are counted!


P.S. Thank you to everyone who has been participating in #GATallyTuesday! Look out for a reminder on social media each Tuesday to share your tallies!


📣🚨  The Speaker List at #CBIFutureHealth just missed a Gold #GAStampOfApproval. As we discuss innovation and trends in #healthcare and tech, how can we improve leadership pipelines for women?  #WomenInTech #GenderAvenger