Good Read | There Is No Confidence Gap (Just A Gap In How That Confidence Is Received)

By Roberto Fulgêncio / Instituto Ayrton Senna (Instituto Ayrton Senna) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Roberto Fulgêncio / Instituto Ayrton Senna (Instituto Ayrton Senna) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

"There Is No Confidence Gap (Just A Gap In How That Confidence Is Received)":

Somewhere along the way, girls get the message very strongly that their confidence is best received when tinged with humility and presented with apology. So when people talk about the Confidence Gap, what they are actually talking about is how women adapt to pre-empt criticism and optimize for the best possible reaction.

Read Rachel Sklar's full article at LinkedIn here…

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